
Note: Netscape and Mozilla are considered obsolete by LCR, however the setup of email accounts on them is very similar to what is detailed below.

Note: Netscape v4.x and earlier had a problem with user/login names that contained an @symbol in them and we routinely used the % symbol in these products in the past. Our current email server does not support the substitution of the @ symbol in the user/login name. You will need to upgrade your email client to a more recent version or change to Thunderbird.

Open Thunderbird and click on Tools then Account Settings. Click on New Account (when first installing Thunderbird and not migrating existing email accounts to it, this wizard is auto started).

Select Email Account and click on Next.

Type in your name and full email address and click on Next.

POP is the default. Incoming server should be mail.<> and Outgoing Server should be mail.<>.

Click on Next.


Your Incoming User Name: is your full email address. Click on Next

Account is the name on the left side of the screen and can be anything, but it should be named so you know what account this is for.

Click on Next and then Finish.

This will take you to this screen. Highlight Outgoing Server (SMTP) on the left and then highlight your outgoing server and click on Edit.

Change the default Port to 587. Your Name is your full email address. Be sure to select No for 'Use secure connection'. Click on OK

Server Name should be: mail:<>


Note on your screen, you should have mail.<> and not

The important thing to note on this screen is that the Outgoing Server will use Port 587 and Secure Connection is set to None.

Please note: You can set Thunderbird to Leave messages on the server. Just remember that Thunderbird can get confused and think all messages on the server are new and re-download them, creating duplicates.

Also Thunderbird defaults to checking email every 10 minutes. While we have not had reports of this happening with Thunderbird, setting this option to less than 10 minutes has been known to cause duplicate emails in your Inbox. We will ask how often you check for new email and we will advise you to set this to at least 10 minutes before taking any further action on such reports.





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